Monday, 29 April 2013

Complaints Against MANTRI DEVELOPERS


I had purchased a flat at Mantry Synergy, Chennai.The developers have sold the open terrace which is illegal. The builder has not provided
1.even a single water source for 765 apartments
2..He has not provided(a) water treatment plant ,(b) an efficient rain water harvesting system,(c) an efficient sewage and 
water treatment plant
3.,has converted the open space into parking lots and sold to the residents,
4. Has not provided the common area calculation statement
5. The built up area is lesser than the area (by about 10 percent) shown in the drawing
5,Has not provided 1000 watts backup as specified but only 600wats
6.Has not provided to me the approved plan and permit
7. Has not fulfilled the conditions laid out in the Panchayat permit given to them
8, Has not provided the completion certificate

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