Monday, 29 April 2013

Complaints Against Mantri Developers Pvt.Ltd

Mantri Developers Pvt.Ltd

Non Refund Of My Booking Amount

Mr. Ashok Kumar Agarwal
New No 3,Old No 14,Viswepuram Street,
Palms Court Buildings,Flat No 3B,
Mylapore, Chennai-600 004

Respected Sir/madam

I am Ashok Kumar Agarwal,Aged close to 70 years
,A senior Citizen living in chennai for the last 40 years.
On 05.05.2010 i approached Mantri Builders Pvt limited and booked a two bedroom Apartment on Block A-Mantri Synergy,Apartment A-1205.
I paid an advance of Rs 1,00,00 on 05.05.2010 via State Bank of India cheque no 268067 and subsequently followed up by a payment of Rs 5,61,560 via State Bank Of India cheque no.268068 on 29th may 2010.

Subsequently due to personal and professional setbacks i was unable to pay the rest of the Agreement value as requested by your company.

However in the month of February 2012 i was introduced to HSBC Invest Direct by Mr.Manoj .V-GM Marketing-Mantri Developers so that i can avail of a Home Loan and complete the formalities for my flat.
After a great deal of hard work and efforts i was sanctioned a home loan with a limit upto 70 lakhs or 80% of the Flat cost by HSBC Invest Direct,I had paid Rs 5500 towards processing charges for the Home Loan.
The executives who were liaising with me on the Home Loan is Mr.Pandiarajan-Relationship Manager,Home Loan And Mortgages,HSBC Invest Direct and Mr.Stephen Immanuel A.V DY.Manager-Marketing,Mantri Developers Pvt.Ltd.

Mr.Manoj.V offered me an option of upgrading to a 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom apartment at Mantri Synergy and warned me that i will have to cough up more than 10 lakhs extra should i chose to go for my original choice of Apartment A-1205. After many negotiations and consultations with both the Banker and Mantri Developers i closed in on a 3 bedroom Apartment at Block F-Flat No 1001 or 1101 for a price of Rs 73,30,000.
After a final meeting was set up i had sent my family to select the flat and complete the formalities on my behalf as my health did not allow me to travel from my home to the property site.
Mr.Pandiarajan and Mr.Stephen Immanuel had got all the signatures done on the respective Agreements,However at that point of time there was a difference of opinion on certain issues and my Family was turned back home without giving any suitable explanation .
i was left high and dry for weeks without being informed the outcome of the decision from Mantri Developers and on 10th May-2012 a termination order was recieved by me without any suitable explanation in-spite of the fact that i had availed a Home loan and also paid close to Rs 7,00.000 Lac for the property.
My efforts to get back my refund amount via E-Mails and Letters and also Personal Visits have fallen on dead ears.
I am being made to run from pillar to post to get back my Refund Money.
I am a Diabetes And Heart Patient as well as i have an Essential Tremors Syndrome and most of my savings are spent on my Medical Care And Attention.
My each visit to The property site has cost me close to Rs 1000 by Call Taxi Services for the last 3 years and this has also set me back tremendously.
I am a Middle Class man who has worked very hard for 40 years and saved some money so i can live a comfortable life in the twilight of my life.
Now all my dreams have been shattered as i was issued a termination order by Mantri Developers and also my invested money has not been returned to me.
I currently now live at a Rented Apartment at Mylapore and if i do not receive my refund amount soon ,i will definitely find myself and my family on the roads with nowhere to go for Shelter.

I sincerely request you Sir/Madam to intervene and help me to get back my Invested Money with this company.

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